class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Week 3 & 4: Intro to agile project management ## Scrum with GitHub project boards ### 2022-06-10 --- layout: true .footnote[U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service] --- .pull-left[  ] .pull-right[ Note there are tons on info online: videos and courses on Scrum. * Good 3-hour video course. [Scrum Fundamentals]( It is available free through most universities or you can get a free 10-day trial. * <img src="images/youtube-brands.svg" width=30px style="vertical-align: middle"> [4 minute overview of product development with Scrum]( * <img src="images/youtube-brands.svg" width=30px style="vertical-align: middle"> [Longer 15min overview of Scrum sprints]( * <img src="images/youtube-brands.svg" width=30px style="vertical-align: middle"> [What is a sprint?]( ] --- ## What kinds of projects are we talking about? **Complex projects** * big tasks with lots of different stages * potentially many different team members and different needed skills * Often team projects but could also be a solo project * Examples: a large report or manuscript, a complex model, a software package, or an software application. --- # Agile principles  --- ## Iterative cycles of work and learning A key element of agile methodologies is iterative cycles: .center[  ] --- class: middle ## Nice idea...but how on earth do we make this happen? --- ## Scrum A lightweight framework (meaning flexible and easy to apply) for applying agile principles to making useable products. Define "product" however is appropriate for your work. Scrum uses repeated 14-30 day cycles of work (time-boxed).  --- ## 3 Roles (jobs) in Scrum * **Product owner** -- works on the backlog and liasons with the customer so work for next sprint is ready * **Scrum master** -- basically a team coach to help team stay "agile" and so product owner doesn't start micro-managing things. * **Developers** -- people working on the individual tasks and helping peers .center[ *The most important element to Agile (and Scrum) is the team's enthusiasm for communication, openness and transparency* ] .center[ <img src="images/Scrum_process.svg" width="50%"> ] --- ## 5 events .center[ *Plan some work - Get it done - Debrief/learn - Plan more work* ] * **Sprint Planning** - what will we complete in our time-boxed window * **Sprint** - working on tasks * **Daily Scrum** - check-in every day (yesterday, today, any barriers) * **Sprint Review** - end of sprint, get feedback on the product produced in sprint * **Sprint Retrospective** - last event, whole team discusses workflow and makes improvements .center[ <img src="images/Scrum_process.svg" width="50%"> ] --- ## 3 artifacts * **Product backlog** - all the things we need to do to complete the product. **ordered** and prioritized * **Sprint backlog** - everything that the team commits to achieve in a given sprint * **Sprint Product Increment** - something you can show, demo, get feedback on .center[ <img src="images/Scrum_process.svg" width="50%"> ] --- ## Scrum board Not an "official" artifact, this is a key part of the sprint and is used at the daily check-in and throughout the day. **Names are attached to each task.** .center[ <img src="images/scrum-board.jpeg" width="75%"> ] --- ## User Stories .pull-left[ These are the 1-3 day chunks of work. You'll complete user stories during a sprint. Not actually part of Scrum Framework, but widely used in software development's application of Scrum. * Who: is this task for? * What: is the task producting? * Why: does the person want this? * Definition of done ] .pull-right[ #### Tasks User stories will have a series of tasks to complete. Depending on the user story and the person(s) doing the work, you might list these out as separate issues or just checkboxes. * <img src="images/youtube-brands.svg" width=30px style="vertical-align: middle"> [How to create effective user stories]( ] --- .center[  ] --- ## Epics .pull-left[ A larger (multiple sprints) chunk of related work that can be broken down into user stories. Goal is to organize your work into pieces that have some natural hierarchy and order so that you can **get work down more efficiently**. Epics are fleshed out (broken into user stories + adding detail) as the project gets closer to being ready for the epic. ] .pull-right[ * [Atlassian info on epics]( * <img src="images/youtube-brands.svg" width=30px style="vertical-align: middle"> [What is an Epic in Agile and Scrum?]( ] --- ## Essential parts of Scrum * Developer team = 3-7 people * The daily in-person (or video) check-in. Time-boxed to 15 minutes. This is called the "scrum" * The Scrum master * Short iterations with 'minimal working product' at end * A retrospective to improve process --- class: middle ## Let's run a Scrum Sprint with GitHub! --- ## Note My solo sprint is missing an essential feature of Scrum, ahem, the "scrum" Nonetheless, * Practicing solo is a "safe" way to get better at Scrum * You get the advantages of the other 3 circles of 'agile' * Try it out. Does it work for you? Use some real mini-sprints as a learning tool. .center[ <img src="images/agile-elements.png" width="50%"> ] --- ## Retrospective * Also my "stories" were not proper user stories, more like tasks * Review - I did present to the end users but didn't get actual feedback * Retrospective (I sort of did this), but this was definitely a weak point --- ## Ideas for learning more So so many books and resources out there for learning Scrum. Here are two that I really enjoyed. .pull-left[ Fascinating book about the history of Scrum. You will not learn Scrum in this book. It is about the experiences of the author in developing team frameworks. .center[ <img src="images/scrum_sutherland.jpg" width="50%"> ] ] .pull-right[ I am interested in the ideas around self-organizing teams and the role of the Scrum Master. Written by a talented team coach with many good insights. .center[ <img src="images/scrum_sochova.png" width="50%"> ] ]