Intro to R packages

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Example R packages

  • MyNewPackage The package I made during class. You can also open on RStudio Cloud and build it from there.
  • VRData This is the data package that I spent the most time on in lecture.
  • SardineForecast Data package for a recent paper of mine.
    • This one had a lot of preprocessing which is in the inst/extdata folder. The data documentation is in R/data.R. I donโ€™t recommend putting all the data background into one R file. It drove me nuts.
    • For my paper, I had an appendix with the data information. To write that, I wrote a script to process the Rd files in the man folder into a Rmd document. So although writing the data documentation was time-consuming, it saved me a lot of time when writing the paper.
    • The paper also included the data used in the analyses in a table in an appendix. I wrote a script to make that table using this data library.
    • For the paper tables and figures, I used library(SardineForecast). That ensured that all figures and tables used the same and most recent data. There were a number of big data changes that happened in revision, and not having a data package would have made updating the paper much harder.

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