Jekyll is another simple and popular way to make websites. There are many templates on GitHub that you can copy (fork) to make your own website.


This code is from M Koehnke. Per M Koehnke: This is an anonymized version of Chris Eidhof’s brilliant blog theme converted from Cactus to Jekyll.

A live demo can be found here.

Go to the RVerse-Tutorials-simple-blog repository and click the Fork button in the upper right. You will need to be logged into your GitHub account. Then open RStudio and create a new project from that repository. This creates a copy of jekyll-simple-blog that is linked to the copy of the repository that you makde in your GitHub account.

Watch a video of this step

INCOIS participants: You will find a copy of the repository in the RWorkflow directory that you copied from the thumb drive. However, without internet you won’t be able to build your jekyll website.

Making the blog live

  • Go to settings of your jekyll-simple-blog GitHub repository and set Github Pages source as master.
  • Your new site should be ready at . Note it can take awhile (5-10 min) for the website to appear and for changes to appear.
  • If you change the name of your repository (meaning change it from jekyll-simple-blog to something else), change the baseurl in _config.yml

Making changes

  • Edit posts in _posts
  • Add posts in _posts
  • Upload the changes to GitHub via GitHub Desktop or Git in RStudio.


This is a super simple online resume forked from Eli Holmes simplified Webjeda’s design to make it more suitable for a simple flat resume and make it printable.


Enter your data

  • Edit _config.yml with your name, education and summary. The summary will appear in About Me.
  • Edit _data\experiences.yml with your work experience.
  • Edit _data\coursework.yml with your coursework.
  • Edit _data\skills.yml with your skills.
  • Add your picture to assets\images\ and put the file name in _config.yml in pic: