Never worked with R?

If you have never worked with R, you can get a basic familiarity by going through this free tutorial. Takes about 4 hours.

You can also learn R straight from within R using the swirl package. This doesn’t require internet access except to install the package.

Here is another basic R introduction from ComputerWorld.

The book that I recommend for scientists who have never worked with R is The R Student Companion by Brian Dennis. It’ll get you up to speed with the type of programming that scientists do with R. I think you’d be fine just renting it for a month and getting through as much as you can in a month. After a few chapters, you’ll know your way around R and, more importantly, how to program with functions. Then you’ll be ready for something else.

Once you work through that, R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham is very good for what the sort of work we do.

R Markdown

Git and GitHub

R packages that I use all the time

These are some basic packages that I use all the time. This does not include the analysis packages that I use.

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